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Lakes & Mountains of Bavaria Cycling
ابتداء من 1.747 €

Lakes & Mountains of Bavaria Cycling

حزمة عطلة
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/09/19
الرقم المرجعي: 11021272
السعر الكلي ابتداء من 3.494 €
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/09/19
مسار الرحلة
المزيد من الصور (4)

You'll ride on a mixture of cycle paths and side roads with little traffic, passing through traditional Bavarian villages to reach the first of many lakes along your route, Lake Ammersee where you can enjoy a boat trip on a paddle steamer. Your first few days will take you uphill to the foothills of the Bavarian Alps to King Ludwig's fairytale castles. The return to Augsburg, takes you along the river Lech, and along parts of one of the oldest tourist routes in the world, the Romantic Road, mainly on flat terrain.

Day 1: Arrive in Augsburg
Arrive at your hotel in the historic city of Augsburg, founded in 15 B.C. on the orders of Emperor Augustus.

Day 2: Augsburg to Worthsee
From Augsburg cycle through traditional Bavarian villages, surrounded by lush meadows, before reaching the shores of Lake Ammersee. Relax by the lakeside or enjoy a boat trip on a paddle steamer before continuing to Lake Worthsee.

Day 3: Worthsee to Murnau
Today you will pedal along Lakes Worthsee and Pilsensee to Andechs Abbey - famed for its Baroque church and brewery! Enjoy swimming opportunities along the way at Lakes Ammersee, Staffelsee and Riegsee before arriving in the artist's town of Murnau.

Day 4: Murnau to Fussen/Schwangau
Cycle from village to village in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps. Visit the UNESCO listed Pilgrimage Church of Wies, a beautifully preserved oval church and a masterpiece of Bavarian Rococo before continuing to the pretty town of Fussen.

Day 5: Fussen/Schwangau to Schongau
In the morning visit King Ludwig's fairytale castles, Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein, before cycling along the scenic Via Claudia Augusta to Schongau. The town has a long history of settlement and is surrounded by fortified walls built in the Middle Ages.

Day 6: Schongau to Landsberg am Lech
Today your route follows the course of the River Lech with many attractions to visit en route to Landsberg. Take in St Michael's Basilica in Altenstadt, the Abodiacum Roman Museum in Epfach and the pilgrim church in Vilgertshofen.

Day 7: Landsberg am Lech to Augsburg
Explore the medieval city centre of Landsberg am Lech with its historic city hall and the Gothic Bavarian Gate. Your cycle route takes you via Kaufering am Lech, to Konigsbrunn, enjoying 11km on the best-preserved section of the Via Claudia. Continue to Augsburg with its famous social housing complex from the year 1516.

Day 8: Leave Augsburg
The tour ends after breakfast in Augsburg.


Note: Please note that the values shown may change before booking, without notice from the suppliers involved.

The rates presented after the booking are subject to cancellation costs.

السعر الكلي ابتداء من 3.494 €
احجز مباشرة دون تغييرات
تشتمل هذه الفكرة
الوجهات 1
الجولات 1
ملخص الجولة
نقطة التقاء
  • Visas and vaccinations Travel insurance Single supplements
  • All breakfasts
  • Route notes and maps
  • Luggage transfers between hotels

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